Image illustrative de Recovery Road
Image illustrative de Recovery Road

Recovery Road

Based on the popular young adult novel by Blake Nelson, "Recovery Road" focuses on Maddie, a teenage girl dealing with addiction. Maddie has a reputation as a party girl who doesn't think she has a problem, until she's confronted one day by her school guidance counselor and is forced to choose between expulsion and ...

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Terminée Américaine 45 minutes
Drame, Drama Freeform 2016

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1.05 - My Loose Thread

My Loose Thread

On a whim, Maddie chooses Cynthia to be her sponsor leading to friction with Charlotte, who starts to resent Cynthia’s place in her daughter’s life. Maddie bonds with Wes when she asks him for ideas on how to spend her time now that she’s sober. Later, they have a good sober day when they break his grandmother out of her nursing home for an afternoon. In hopes of saving enough money to fight for custody of her daughter, Trish starts working at Margarita’s restaurant, but things do not go smoothly. Ellie and Nyla begin to question what has been going on with Maddie. Flashbacks show the depths of Trish’s addiction to meth, and her troubled childhood.

Diffusion originale : 22 février 2016

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Diffusion française : 22 février 2016
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : David Paymer
Scénariste.s : Nic Sheff
Guest.s :

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